Summer Adventure 2024 – East


First free day of the holiday. The boat is equipped and we just quickly stow the last food and cast off from the pier in Pathholmsviken at around 1pm. There is almost no wind at all and we motor out towards Västra Kvarken with a view to Gaddströmmen, the strait in the Holmöarna north of Holmögadd which is the direct route to Vasa's northern archipelago. Sailing in the Gaddström is easy even without modern aids, there are fine single lines (see Holmögadd).

Soon we will be out in Östra Kvarken. Finnish outpost Valsörarna islands can immediately be sensed as a crane beam to starboard, but we continue with our sights on the Mickelsörarna. After seven hours and 42 minutes of distance, we moor at Kummelskär nature station which is run by the Norwegian Forestry Agency. There are a few more boats in the harbor but it is not full at all.

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