1635-08-18 Copy of Nils Olsson's /Norstedt/ purchase deed


This is the deed of sale that was written when Nils Olsson bought a share in Höjen from Lars Persson in 1635.

FOR ALL THE WÄLACHTADE, HONEST AND UNDERSTANDING good men, as thetta Breff Händer to appear, reading and hearing ward. Thå giör iagh Lars Pärsson at Höghen in Hosiöbygden witterlighit. That iagh with een goodh and frij wilia and well-advised modh sampd with my wife's wettskap, Advice and consent kaffwer sold and vployed, as iagh and now with this Breeff sellier and vployher ährligh and Godhfrucktigh man Niels Oluffson on the Höghen all my Hws and Jordh, who me and my wife belong to Höghen, both loosely and firmly, for a good and rich payment, which he efther my wilia vtlagdt haffwer, Namely goodh Rååkoppar 9 skippundh, which Elias Oluffson, Jnwånare in Giäffle, vppå mijn wegnar bekommit haffwer, which The handwriting indicates that Niels Olsson had loosely at hand. J them haffwer I have obtained a shippound of copper and five cubits of freedom in comparison and to all friendship. The sum is 10 times the value of clothing, so Nils Olufsson has issued the entire sum, the payment and the comparison, then the last and last penny as well as the first. Wherefore I have now surrendered from me, my Wife and Children and all their Heirs and Descendants this prescribed Hws and Land and all that belongs to them and belongs to them after this day with the right to be won and added, both in Wåtho and Torro, Närby and farren , in Skogh and skiull, Ehwadh thet hälst wara kan, Jngenting vndhantagandesss. And all theta says iagh åfftabeste Niels Olufsson and his Children and Effterkommandhe Arffwingar to use, use, fikia and protect and improve after he is best covered and to Een wälfängen Ewärdeligh Ownerhom to keep and further wisso haffwer iagh for Rightwisona's Jnnehål with all wenligheett desired thesse wälachtadhe, ährlighe såndighe Men, that the here to a sanferdight wittner wara wille, as ähr Tommas Andhersson at Falun, Landsen's prophos, Hans Erichsson at Åsen, Hans Stensson at Främsbacka and their Signäters here vundhersättia and confirmed, and iagh also my Bomärkie here below sets. Actum Höghen then 18 August Anno 1635.

His stepson Lars /bom/ Pärsson.

The witnesses:

Mats /bom./ Halfwarsson in Långtechten, Andhers /bom./ Erichsson at Främsbacka, /and/ Andhers Hindersson at Höijen,

Transcript made by Helmer Lagergren


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