I topped a heptathlon in Nordmaling yesterday.
When I first encountered the ancestor a few months ago without knowing that he was related to me, I thought it was interesting even then. It was Daniel Åsberg who moved from Hosjö, Dalarna, to Nordmaling and became inspector for Öre saw in the 1770s. I also have my paternal line from Hosjö, and my great-grandfather also moved up to the area around the Öreälven estuary. Although it was more than a hundred years later.
Then when I looked a little closer at Daniel Åsberg, I suddenly realized that his father was also in my tree.
I'm just wondering if my great-grandfather at the end of the 19th century heard about his relative a few generations earlier and as a young boy deliberately went to his area. Quite likely, I think, but nothing that has been known in the family before.