Eva enters the scene (the boat)



Once upon a time there was a little girl who lay in the bow of her father's boat reading comic books, completely unfazed by the bumpy lake. The little girl grew up. After the youth there was no more than sporadic sailing trips. About 45 years later, I stepped aboard Turid II, as a co-owner.

So what are my hopes and thoughts about having become a sailboat owner without being able to sail?

I want to feel involved in sailing both for my own sake and Jakob's. Therefore, the first step is to learn to sail. I feel like a curious and eager little child who is super into (almost) everything Jakob conveys. And it may take as long as it takes.

I want to get closer to nature. When I was nine years old, my family got a cabin on Ekö-Långö, a small island outside Mörkö. There, my love for the sea and the archipelago was awakened. The love has turned into a longing that has always been there and which I hope will be nourished by sailing.

I want to find my inner peace. Over the past 10 years I have been on an inner spiritual journey that has taken me a long way. But I still find it easy to get sucked into work stress and find it hard to let go of my mobile phone. Sailing is meditative. When the waves are high, you have to sit still, often for hours, and look out over the sea to avoid seasickness, while keeping your full focus on maneuvering the boat.

While I was at the wheel at our crossing from Oxkangar, the sea was relatively high. I noticed that in order to stay on course and go smoothly, I had to be fully present, and at the same time keep an eye on the boat, the instruments and the waves. It went best when I went along and became part of nature, of the sea. It was an awesome and beautiful experience.

I want to grow and develop in my relationship with Jakob. In order for sailing to function optimally, it is necessary that we are synchronized, trusting, attentive and that we can get along on a small surface. Although we are already a good team, there will be collisions from time to time. The development lies in the solutions and the consensus we find.

In conclusion, I feel full of anticipation. After all, I'm going to conquer a new area of knowledge, a whole continent of skills and knowledge about sailing.


  1. How brave you are! The sea creates many challenges !! Wish you good luck!
    ⛵️ ⚓️⛵️

    1. Thank you, please Solveig 🙂 Challenges in appropriate portions are good, but you might not want them all to come at the same time 😉 / Eva

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