The S/Y Turid blog - sailing

S/Y Turid II - our Hallberg Rassy Monsun 31 #557 takes us on adventures around our coasts.

The election call

On day two in Sjöbodviken, we went up to Valkallen, the viewing mountain right next door. It can be recommended...


A night at the mouth of the Ångerman River – Sjöbodviken, Sör-Lövvik. Farthest south in Norabygden and probably the...


Häggvik is located in the heart of Nordingrå, at the top of Gaviksfjärden. A very narrow natural channel...

Högbonden (High farmer) island

Jakob: Outside Bönhamn lies Högbonden, the high island with the lighthouse which is one of the...


After a few days in Ulvöhamn, we had a nice sail down to the fishing village of Bönhamn in...

Rensviken and land rise

Jakob: After a night in Ulvöhamn, we wanted to go exploring. We rowed across the strait…

Summit, Mjältön

Jakob: Summit on Mjältön 236 m.a.s.l. Sweden's highest island. At the top there is a cairn that...

Baggviken on Mjältön

Jakob: The rain hung in the air, but we made the short leg down to Baggviken on...

Propeller cleared

Jakob: Näske boat company's crane lifted the Turid II tonight, just enough for the propeller to come over...
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