The S/Y Turid blog - sailing

S/Y Turid II - our Hallberg Rassy Monsun 31 #557 takes us on adventures around our coasts.


The winter has been spent furnishing a carpentry workshop in the terraced house, i.a. to more easily be able to...

My first astrofix.

Jakob: Yesterday I stayed on the land hill, but to still practice astronomical navigation I did...

The sextant has delivered

Jakob: The sextant The sextant is an instrument for measuring angles. With it you can measure...

Sunday sailing with sextant

Jakob: On Sundays, I sail on my own to Väktarens lighthouse outside Holmsund. Out there is the horizon...

The sextant

Jakob: The movements of the celestial bodies have interested me since I was a child; I spent many hours in...

Holmöarna Islands

This weekend we went to Byviken on the north side of Holmön in Norra Kvarken. We had...

Land lift in Skaftung

We had no shortage of charts on our trip to Finland. In addition to the chartplotter and new boating cards,...

Swimming at (in) the border

On the way home from Valsörarna, it was sunny, mirror-like and calm for the first few hours. Suddenly wanted...

Valsörarna islands

It was a trip to Finland again this weekend. But close, Holmsund's closest Finnish archipelago...
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